Always caught my eye when I drove by.
Drawing by Carlos P.
Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora)
Riverside, CA
When my girlfriend mentioned my "Draw Me A Tree" project to her family, much to her surprise her dad, Carlos, said he had a favorite tree. He used to drive to her house to dog sit her Rottweilers and along the way there was a tree that always caught his eye because it looked different than all the other trees along that street. Cataracts have since clouded his vision and he no longer drives, so we set out one day with Carlos to find his tree. Block by block we would drive and Carlos would repeat, "No, not that one - a little further." Finally, he chimed, "That's it!" "It" being a lovely Camphor Tree on a corner that took up the entire front lawn of someones home. We set up the camera across the street and Carlos got busy making this great drawing despite his failing vision.
View Always Caught My Eye When I Drove By. in a larger map
Click here to see more images from my "Draw Me A Tree" project
I saw your work at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival last weekend, and was really struck by the tree images. I'm going to an art class tomorrow, and will be drawing...trees!